Create the perfect gift that can double as functional desk decor or a traveling companion for mobile browsing. Made with a sturdy hardboard panel and a plastic leg, this stand ensures zero wobble while you enjoy your favorite content online. Slot the two pieces together for a swift setup and undo them just as quick when on the move.
Hardboard stand with plastic leg
Two-piece construction
One-sided print
Glossy finish
Perfect for your desk or nightstand
Production and Shipping:
Each Phone Stand is crafted uniquely and made to order.
⏳ Please allow 5-7 business days for production.
Standard shipping generally takes approximately 6-8 business days.
Shipping to Puerto Rico and Hawaii may require up to 12 business days.
SKU: 1684969479
Category: cell-phone-accessories
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Weight | 1 kg |
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Phone Stand: Lehua Mobile Phone Holder, Red Lehua Blossom, Floral Smartphone Stand, Hula Flower Display Stand, Red Flower Blossom Desk Decor
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